And, The Winner Is……..American Factory!


Those words, spoken at the Oscars, on Sunday, February 9, 2020, were music to my ears.  The words were also, and perhaps even more so, a balm for my eyes.

I watched, in joy, as Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar accepted the Oscar for their  documentary, American Factory.   

I cheered as they took their place in film-history.

I marveled at their ease, their composure and their presence on that stage.

But mostly, I just enjoyed seeing my old friends.

It’s been a while since that happened.  Clearly, our lives are very different these days but that doesn’t mean there’s not still a bond.    A bond that was created over 30 years ago.  And we all know that old friends are often the best.

Their bald heads each tell a different story:  Steve’s as a result of genetics; Julia’s as a result of a nasty cancer, starting in 2018.  No stranger to the disease, she’s fighting, again, with all her might.  That part of the story continues.

But for now, their hard work, stamina and talent are available to all of us through American Factory, streaming on Netflix.