Come Sit.....
Had a bad hair day? Your dream vacation didn’t quite meet expectations? That long awaited, painstakingly planned wedding went slightly awry? The soufflé fell?
If any of those things have come your way recently, thenplease come my way. Sit down, spit itout, spill the beans, let it rip. You’llfeel better and so will I.
The best dinner parties I ever went to ended up with” Worst Vacation Ever” story- telling. Without exception, they were camping trips. We’d weep and hold our tummies tight. From the laughter, of course.
So, if your super-planned, dot-every-I and cross-every-Tevent went according to schedule, tell me that it did and quickly move on toanother topic. I’ll be happy for you andwe’ll just leave it at that. But ifthere were blips, oopsies, or mini-disasters, well, that’s another story andone I hope you’ll share with me.
That may sound morbid but know I’m in good company. Alice Longworth Roosevelt famously said: “Ifyou haven’t got anything nice to say, come sit next to me.”
As far as I’m concerned, the good stuff happens in the less-than-perfect world, Anyone can do perfect. Surviving the imperfect makes for a much more rewarding and interesting life.
So, bring it on. Sit down and share. We’re sure to have fun
And may your Mother's Day be perfectly imperfect. Or imperfectly perfect. Happy, in any event.