Dress Codes
They’re a hot topic these days. Just tune in to the current debate in Congress.
When I was in high school, we wore uniforms. It was an all-girls’ school so we all looked alike. All the time. The uniforms weren’t pretty but we wore them without complaint.
Getting dressed was easy. There was no energy, time, nor thought devoted to “what to wear.” Our job was to attend classes, learn and participate. The fewer distractions, the better.
“Sartorial statements” were seriously frowned upon and typically resulted in an extended study hall. Respect for our system kept us on the straight and narrow.
The uniforms/dress codes were great levelers. Backgrounds never mattered. Our contributions, or lack thereof, were the meaningful factors.
Clearly, I’m a fan of dress codes/uniforms. My school was a microcosm for the success of both. Happily, all those benefits and plusses are easily transferable to larger institutions.
Put simply, we wore our uniforms and tended to business during the week. Then we let it rip on the weekends. How easy is that? It made sense then and it makes sense now.