Finding Laughter in the Oddest Places.

As I was filling out yet another “foot” doctor form, I was asked if I had ever been arrested. I answered "yes" because I aim to be truthful on those things.

Many years ago, I was arrested when I made a left-hand turn at a no-left-hand turn intersection.

When I handed over my driver’s license to the policeman, it was found to be well past its expiration date.  It was also out-of-state.  Neither of those things is good.

I was issued a citation and a notice for a court date.

But I was not alone in the car.  There were five of us, dressed-up and fully made-up as clowns.  We were on our way to do a Children’s Theater program in an area we didn't know well.

When I burst into tears during the unpleasant encounter, my travelling companions followed suit.

Whiteface paint dripped.  Rouged cheeks bled.  Mascara smeared.  Bulbous red noses fell off.  Our pink polka-dotted costumes were all that remained of our clown-ness.

The arrest itself wasn't funny. 

The lawyer’s fee and court fees weren’t funny.

The hike in my insurance wasn’t funny.

 The points on my newly issued license weren’t funny. 

But it sure is funny now when I look back on it.  And I’m ever so grateful for that memory. But I still think the cop could have shown a little leniency to the five highly distressed women who were well intentioned but totally lost.   Perhaps In more ways than one.


I Really Want Some (Redux).


We're On the Thorns of a Dilemma.