The Mister greeted me Thursday evening with the news, the BIG news, that Alex Murdaugh had been found guilty. And after only three hours of deliberation! I was shocked. To the core. While I hadn’t thought he was innocent, there didn’t seem to me to be enough hard evidence to convict him. So, I said to myself, let’s read a little more about this. We must have missed something.
In an article the next day, I learned that yet another juror had been dismissed. And just prior to deliberations, of all things. She was dissed for having conversations about the trial outside the courtroom. A no-no. But not really “news.”
What was “news” and what brought me to my knees, was this little paragraph:
“After she was removed, the bailiff entered the jury room to remove a dozen eggs the juror had brought with her, which she then took home.”
That event, at least in my mind, eclipsed everything that had happened to date and caused me to sit up and take notice.
It was immediately clear that lacking utensils, a frying pan and most importantly, a flame, we could safely assume the juror wasn't planning to cook the eggs. But the symbolism of the egg must not be lost in the shuffle.
Let's consider:
Had the egg-toting juror stuck around, was there a chance they she would end up with egg on her face?
Was there a rotten egg somewhere amongst the jurors?
Would the jurors have spent time walking on egg shells during their deliberations?
Was Alex's father the goose that laid the golden egg?
Was there anything left of Alex's nest egg or did he put all his eggs in one basket, never to be seen again?
I can only think that the newly dismissed juror was eager to get cracking on deliberations but, sadly, the yolk was on her and she was sent away, wondering, as we all do, about which came first, the chicken or the egg.
I think I need to get a life.