Her Name Was Dux
Well, it wasn’t her given name but it’s what everyone called her. Even her children, of whom The Mister was one.
Dux had strong feelings about many things. Ice cold gin martinis got gold stars. Her own special chocolate icing and hot dogs, prepared in a double boiler (dogs simmering in the bottom, buns steaming in the top) were also top notch. The Pittsburgh Pirates could do no wrong and there was nothing good to be said about the Yankees.
And then there was Phil Mickelson. Oh, how she loved Phil. Wherever he went, Dux was there in spirit. She followed his every step and stroke. She cheered when he won and was truly sad when he lost.
And, boy, am I glad she’s not around to see the trouble Phil’s in right now. She’d be mad but, more over, she’d be sad.
We think of Dux today and know exactly how she’d feel about Ukraine. A world-wide traveler and a WAVE during WWII, she'd be deeply concerned and very sad.
In 1784, Robert Burns wrote the poem "Man's Inhumanity to Man." Now, here we are In 2022 suffering from ONE man's inhumanity to man. It's hard to believe and also terribly, terribly sad. Dux would be the first to agree.