I Could Use A Muse
But I would not choose a Greek muse. That famous group of winsome ladies is a bit esoteric for me. I’m looking for a muse of a different sort. A muse not so much for inspiration but for affirmation.
I’d like my muse to sit on my shoulder and tell me that I’m still doing the best I can under these crazy circumstances.
She’d assure me that it’s still wise to stay instead of play.
She’d support me when I continue to say no instead of yes.
She would agree that it’s best to isolate instead of congregate.
She would provide a little solace, a bit of advice to stay the course.
She’d be a good listener.
And when I’m ready, she’ll be there to go back out and play with me. Joyfully. Happily. Safely.
In the meantime, she’ll tap me on my shoulder to remind me how fortunate we, the Mister and I, are to be able to make those decisions for ourselves, without the fear of going without.
A good friend, perhaps my muse-in-disguise, reminded me recently that there are many, many who are not so lucky. Bored, she said, is a whole lot easier than unemployed and hungry.