I Had To Take A Sleeping Pill.
No, not because I’d watched the horrors of war, or some bizarre political shenanigans, or anything Covid-related
I had to take a sleeping pill because I couldn’t stop laughing.
We had just watched the first two episodes of “Julia,” now playing on HBO Max. There’ve been other shows about Julia Child but this one, well, you have to see it to understand. Sarah Lancaster, who plays Julia, IS Julia Child, reincarnated in-full. And what a joy she is.
As it happened, we were living in Boston in 1962 when Julia first came on the scene at WGBH. And, yes, that's a little personal connection for us but it's not remotely necessary to slurp up this new show with a big spoon and savor every delicious bite.
The new “Julia” takes us back to her early days at WGBH when most of the male-dominated leadership couldn’t see her appeal. They fought tooth and nail to keep her off the air. However, and happily for the world, the Big Cheese had some thoughts of his own.
As it turns out, both he and his wife had seen the “demo” and his wife had consequently declared an interest in French cooking and vowed she would faithfully watch and learn from Julia. The Big Cheese quietly listened to his staff's negative remarks, assessed their various concerns, and finally said: “My wife’s cooking makes me sad and fearful. If Julia can help with that, nothing else matters.”
And with that, Julia got her show. The rest is history.
Sketch of Julia thanks to NewYorker.com