I Really Want Some.
But apparently, I'm not gonna get any. At least any time soon. It’s illegal in most states, and most certainly in South Carolina.
It’s an old product. It’s been around since the Nixon era when he, Nixon, decided to ban all research into psychedelics.
What I want, in old hippie terms, is, some “shrooms.” Or, psilocybin, to be scientifically correct about it.
It’s a drug that’s being used, increasingly, for dystonia ("The Foot's" condition and nemesis) and similar afflictions. With great success and very few risks.
Eminent medical researchers are carrying out clinical trials. Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Emory, to cite just three. It appears to be highly effective in microdoses, which equate to less than one/tenth of a “dose.” Just enough to toggle the brain but never enough to cause a bad “trip.”
The Mister has done exhaustive research. He’s spoken to and corresponded with experts all across the country. And outside the country. All on my behalf. He gets it. He knows it’s the right approach but it’s also a dead-end street. The mushrooms from which psilocybin is derived have been used effectively and safely by numerous societies for eons but still we put up barriers to its acceptance.
And so I ponder: Since there’s a refined product that’s been around for decades and is proving to be safe, effective and non-addictive, why can’t I, and others like me, have access to it?