It’s My Blog…..

And I’ll cry if I want to.  And, cry I do when I see images of Ukraine, its land and its people.  I want to look away but something tells me to watch. To watch at least enough to be aware. To be connected, in some very small way, to their plight.

No, I don’t wish to dwell on what’s going on over there.  But, when I'm out with others, be it lunching, meeting, walking, talking, I come away empty when not even a simple acknowledgement of that war has been made.

Well, you say, let's please not put a damper on our time together.  It’s a grim subject and we’re here to have fun.  Besides, there’s really nothing we can do.  Right?

Right you are.  But, if we can’t bring ourselves to acknowledge the reality of this war and its terror, then what else is missing in our gatherings?  Can't we take a brief moment of silence, offer a suggestion of what we as individuals can do, and collectively speak of the courage and bravery of the Ukrainians? I know that I, for one, would take some comfort from that.

It's such a little thing and surely not too much to ask in the face of a world crisis.


What Time Is It?

