Let’s PARTY!
Nothing screams party like an impeachment trial!
It brings out all the stars. The A-listers. The Old Guard. The Wannabees. The Media. All of them vying for a spot on the red carpet. Or the blue carpet, so as not to appear partisan.
All the rest of us can do is sit on the sidelines and watch. We’re not invited and, frankly, it’s not a party most of us would go to anyway.
So, we’ll watch as our new besties, Nancy and Mitch, Lindsay and Chuck, take their proper places in the throng. Surrounded by their surrogates and supporters.
Then there are the lawyers. What’s a party without lawyers? Bunches of them. Alan, Ken, and Rudy are boning up on their constitutional law and hoping to make the all-important zinger. Ditto Adam and Jerry.
Behind the cameras we have Sean, Tucker, Rachel and Anderson. Each hanging on to every word and gathering nuggets to feed to their faithful viewers. Hoping to score big for their networks.
The Big Cheese…the honoree.…declined the invitation. But that’s OK. This is the time for others to shine and, anyway, we all know he’s watching.
So, get out the crepe paper; blow up the hot air balloons. Deck the (Senate) halls with silver bells. Pull out all the stops.
Oh, and don't forget to send in the clowns. Or, as Stephen Sondheim might say: “Don’t bother, they’re here.”