Oh, to be in England.

Oh no,  I don't mean now. Not this minute, or this day. Or even this year.No, I want to go back, many, many years ago, and be known as Lady Sarah, Mistress of Cornwall, or some such thing.I want to ring for breakfast, luncheon, dinner and, most especially, tea.I want to summon my carriage whose heavy doors bear our family crest.I want to ride to hounds. (I think.)I want my clothes carefully laid out for the day, my corset strings pulled ever so gently to enhance my bosom and accentuate the small waist I would most certainly have.I want visitors to be announced by my trusted butler, who is, of course, nearly a part of the family, having been in service for so many years.I want to languish in my sitting room, or drawing room, or library, or garden, or solarium, or anywhere really as long as there’s a footman at the ready.I want my lustrous tresses brushed twice daily to a fare-thee-well by my personal lady-in-waiting.I want roaring fires in every room, set and tended by others, to keep the chill from settling in my gentle bones.Should I have children, I'll receive them, occasionally, bathed and in their night-clothes. Sweet-smelling and ready for bed.Actually, I don’t really want anything of those things. Life’s good as it is. I’ve just been spending too many of these wicked-hot days reading British mysteries.Although that bit about ringing for dinner does sound rather swell. The image is courtesy of cvhomemag.com


The Iconic Chairs of Summer


WINE - Definition of life without: Unimaginable