Our Police Blotter.

Printed monthly in our little paper, the Police Blotter is often a source of mild amusement.  The report itself is usually way, way in the back of the paper.  Of no real interest to most.

Thus, this morning, I wondered why this latest report was on the front page, above the fold, and in great big print.  I found out.

The report started out with your average, run of the mill, every-day, stolen goods.

Two pairs of sunglasses. Wow!  You’re at the beach, you left your sunglasses in an unlocked car, and you’re so upset that you filed a police report?

Then there was the Coach wallet with $200.00 in it.  I’m sure the thieves didn’t realize the wallet was probably worth more than the cold hard cash.

Two Wexford community decals were stripped, bit by bit, by knife and by razor, from the owner’s cars.  Would torn and tattered decals really get past the community’s security station?  Let’s hope, for the Wexford community, that they would not.  I like to believe they’re all still safe and sound.

Not much new about any of that but then, there were the stolen guns.   Four of them.  Maybe that’s why this month’s police blotter was on the front page.

They included two Glock handguns, a .40 Smith and Wesson handgun and another unidentified 9 mm handgun.

I’m sorry about the sunglasses and that expensive Coach wallet.  But, oh, those guns.  We have no idea what havoc may ultimately be wreaked by those weapons and the people who stole them.  People who are apt to be untrained, unprincipled and unlicensed.

Alas.  There wasn’t a lot of humor in this month’s police blotter.  Maybe next month.  I sure hope so.  We  all can use a jolt of funny.

Police blotter topic head figure from the Snohomish County Tribune




