
We have never experienced more visual, more guttural, or more powerful statements of polarization as we did during our life in Ohio.   Everything since has paled in comparison.

We could always see it building.  Friends and neighbors taking sides.  Hard lines being drawn and compromise a mere word in the dictionary.   

Signs were everywhere.  Banners flew from car antennas.  Flags filled every front yard. Nearly everyone sported buttons and caps, tee shirts and hats, blatantly flaunting their allegiances.

Happily, and as was always the case, once the referee confirmed the final score, foes became friends again. No one questioned the outcome. Congratulations and condolences were offered and accepted. Losers and winners shook hands and got back to the business of life. 

And it was over!  At least for a year.

This, of course, has nothing to do with “political polarization.”   This is all about the annual Ohio State/ University of Michigan football game.  Take another look at the images above.  Red and grey for OSU; blue and gold for U. of M.  (And by the way, red and blue mixed together equal purple!)  No politics there but plenty of passionate polarization!

As to “political” polarization, wouldn’t it be grand if, even in some small measure, it could be as congenial, civil and honorable as the polarization of our favorite sports rivalries?   




Nothing Ventured…..