Thanksgiving 2014….more of a little letter than anything else.

Dear Friends:Well, the weather, Ferguson and a snuffly cold put a real wet blanket on our Thanksgiving plans this year. Thus our feet remained firmly planted at home with the cats. It was tempting to hike up the air conditioning, put a fire in the fireplace, and pretend we were cuddled up with family in St. Louis as we had planned. Better safe than sorry but making the decision not to go was a difficult one.Later in the day, and just for the heck of it, we checked on the flights we were to have taken and discovered that our 11:30 am flight out of Savannah had been “detained” until 4:30 pm. Five hours late!Don’t you just love airline language! Detained, indeed! They knew full well that the people on that flight had just been sent directly into airport purgatory. Someone was looking out for us. I think we may have been lost in space forever.The St. Louis group had a lovely day in spite of our absence. One of their ovens went down, our son spent two and half hours in the urgent care, there was a fire somewhere in the house and for some as yet unknown reason the police came to the door. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary for them. They handle stress well.We were fortunate to be able to spend Thanksgiving with our family here. I know they were less than thrilled to have me bring THE green bean/mushroom soup casserole but, really, can you do Thanksgiving without it? The answer, of course, is yes but I was feeling a nicely traditional. Did you know it was orginated by Campbell’s soup in 1955. A conversation starter if ever there was one. Anyway, whatever you say about it, I think it’s yummy.Our family in Maryland was nicely tucked in with their boys home for Thanksgiving break. Our son’s Achilles heel is on the mend. He can actually walk after months of hobbling on crutches. A great step forward….no pun intended.So while there is much to be thankful for, we would be remiss in not mentioning a great loss to a community we know well. Warren was a good and generous man, one my husband always spoke of with respect and honor. We have his family in our thoughts and prayers.This was not the message I had planned for today. I had a silly one all lined up. It can wait. Life got in the way and expressing thoughtfulness, gratitude and appreciation seemed to be more important. I know the big turkey day is over but the feelings remain and from my little space it seemed important to recognize them.Fondly, Sallie 


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