The Tale of the Lost and Found Tissue.
That would be the tissue that was lost because it got tucked in a pocket or stuck in a sleeve.
That would also be the tissue that was found.
In the washing machine.
In a billion little white bits.
Yep. We’ve all been there and done that.
Most say: “Oh no, not again!”
I say : “Oh, goody.”
See, I know that all those little bits and pieces will become one again as the dryer gently blows and gathers them onto the lint catcher. And what the dryer misses will be swept up by the dust-buster.
This matters because our lint catcher lies fallow since our old clothes don’t shed much anymore. And the dust-buster’s life is largely one of sucking up kitty litter. So, when a tissue comes their way, they both get to kick up their heels a bit. Show their stuff, if you will.
I’ll not go so far as to overtly put a tissue or two in the wash. Even for the great fun of it all. But I will always appreciate the happy emergence of the lost and found one.