To Flea or Not To Flea?
That was the question we pondered recently at our weekly play and say, dish and deal card game. One of our regulars had arrived in distress, singing that well-known ditty: “My Dog Has Fleas.”Since we’re a dog-owning, dog-loving group, many helpful anti-infestation tips were offered. One especially appealed to our friend….the one I’ll call Dawn-Dipping. It’s simple. You fill a sink with lots of warm water, dribble in a few drops of Dawn detergent, stir gently ‘til blended, dip the dog in and out a few times, rinse him off and voila! No more fleas.Marvy, said our friend.She stopped at the store, bought some Dawn, went home, put the dog in the sink, slathered a bunch of Dawn all over him, and rubbed it in real good.That’s when the trouble started.You….smart readers that you are….realize that, in her zeal to make her puppy happy, she missed a step. Or two. Yes, those all important “few drops of Dawn" and "lots of water” steps.Of course the fleas disappeared. So did the dog. Bubbles. Bubbles everywhere. The more she rubbed and rinsed, the more the bubbles grew and grew.So, this week when she came to the game, it was no surprise that she was singing another well-known ditty: “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles.”And so is the dog.Who is now, understandably, terrified to go outside in the rain. Thanks to for the image of bubbles