To Go…

Or not to go.. 

To church...

On Easter Sunday?

For many, it’s not even a question.  For others, it’s not so simple.

For “Regulars,” going to church on Easter is a given.  Easter’s one of the most important liturgical days of the year.  And for the “Regulars”, it’s also a matter of the same time, same place, and same pew as every other Sunday.   Of course, they’ll be there.

For “The Most-Of-The-Timers”, Easter is largely a must.  The service and its message beckon.  “The Mosts” may miss a Sunday here and there, but they’ll usually go to church on Easter.

Then, there are the “Occasionals”.  They’re a long way from “Regulars”.   Or even “Most-of-the-Timer’s”.   But, it IS Easter, after all.  And, if they don’t go to church, they know they’ve missed something important.  They can go either way.

Finally, there are “The Stragglers”.   This group is way too diverse and too broad to be categorized.  They’re unpredictable, at best.  Anyone’s guess is as good as the next.  Just don’t save them a seat.

Through the years, we’ve been a part of each of those sectors at one time or another.  As a result, we long ago arrived at our own comfort zone. 

What’s important about all of that is that we had the freedom to explore, consider, and experience each of those phases, fully and without condemnation or rebuke. And, that’s one of the extraordinary gifts that Easter gives us. 

Image courtesy of Aaron Burden/unsplash


Social Studies and History Classes.

