We Move.


This time we downsize. Seriously downsize.  We’re forcedto make hard decisions.   I will not jam everything we own into thislittle cottage. I refuse to stash stuff in the garage. I will not store boxesunder beds.

There will be space to move around and to enjoy those thingswe take with us.  And we will miss those thingswe couldn’t take because…..well, just because. We must be dedicated and purposeful in our mission. 

We study the plans, the room sizes, the walls, the windows,the lighting, the electrical outlets.  Wemeasure by inch; not foot.   We play withcut-outs of our furniture.  We imaginehow the art will look in the new light.  We are resolute in our less-is-more approach.  However harsh that may prove to be.

There’s just one little problem.  We speak a language born of many, many yearstogether.  All our stuff has names.

When something has a name, it takes on a life of it’sown.  It’s harder to part with.  It may be inanimate but through the years, it’sgrown a patina, a soul.  We say a quiet hellowhen we pass by whoever/whatever it is. Eventually, it says hello right back.  Extended conversations are not unusual.

So, as we walk through the house, we consult with Artful,Deanne, Mary, Jean, Pam, and Russell.

We reminisce with Edith, Celeste, Lynn, Uncle Charlie, Ming,Martha, Hepple, EJ, Coleen and Ashley.

We caucus with Sheila, Dottie, Cindi, Julia, Steve, Carolyn,Adele, Jill and all the others. 

We explain the move and the need to leave some of them behind.  We know it will be hard but this is the wayit has to be.

And then, we collectively wipe our tears, take a deep breath and say:  “Never mind.  We’ll figure out a way.  Of course, you’ll come with us.  How could we possibly leave you behind?   You’re family.”

So, if the walls are a little crowded, some drawers are a bit overstuffed, a piece of furniture is slightly too large, who cares?  Family and friends stay together.   

"Less is more" (or at least equal) image thanks to makingthegradellc.com


Moving Day


Such a Bother