Who Cares?
Well, I cared when I got a phone call that indicated, at least to me, that a recent medical record of mine had been hacked.
It wasn’t anything important, thank goodness. I’d had a simple X-ray indicating a little arthritis in the lower back. The doctor specifically required no follow-up, no further testing, no nothing. Done and dusted. I was simply advised to never, ever again, pick up a squirming and ticked-off 15 pound cat from the floor.
Two days later, I received a out-of-the-blue and very strange phone call from an unidentified source, offering help for “my arthritic lower back.”
I think I've been hacked, I said to the Mister.
I cared enough about the apparent hacking to call the doctor’s office and their hospital affiliation. I cared enough to sit through many unwanted prompts and endless messages to share the information and my concern.
In return, not one cared enough to call me back, follow up in anyway, or express any interest….or regret….that a medical record had been hacked.
I believe there was both reason and right to care about the hacking. But, apparently, no one else did. And I think I have both reason and right to care about the lack of response from those who should also care.