Well, Now….

Here we are.  Almost.  The election Is nearly upon us.  We’ve been under its sway for four long and curious years.  We’ll be glad when it’s done and dusted.  That might not happen overnight.   But, someday, somehow, sometime, we WILL have a new president.

He/She may not have been our own choice, but we’ll accept the results.  Of course, we will.  Ours is a democracy.  As a friend recently said: “We’ll let it lay where Jesus flung it.”

In the meantime, I’ve unplugged. I’ve unplugged all electronic gizmos in the house.  I don’t want any more chatter, political or otherwise, yakking at me.  I’ve packed my bags and retreated to my happy place.

That place is Three Pines.  The fictional village in Canada so beautifully imagined by Louise Penney in her books.  It’s the place I inhabit every time she publishes a new one.  To my great delight that’s happening this week.  It’s titled The Grey Wolf, and the timing could not be better!

Three Pines is peopled with those who do not age.  Most are good law-abiding citizens although we’re assured there will be a murder.  And, by extension, a murderer.  But as is always the case, all ends well.  The town will heal and  move on.

I come away from her books refreshed and happy.  And with a renewed appreciation of human kindness.  The choice this week is clear.  To watch the news or to read Louise’s new book?   It’s a no brainer.

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