“Georgia On My Mind”

Love that song.  Love hearing Ray Charles belt it out.  Don’t love what Georgia’s doing right now by opening for business-as-usual when things aren't. That Savannah, GA is quite often our go-to town for doctors, doses of southern charm, great food and boutique shops causes me angst.

All of that reminds me of my old high school mottoes which seem particularly timely. I’ve mentioned both of them before, in some blog or another, I’m sure.  

One reads: “Function in Disaster; Finish in Style.”   It pretty much speaks for itself. I’ve got a little sign with those words in my kitchen that warns guests that dinner could well be a disaster but it'll be served with style.  Right now, that motto certainly has a much broader meaning than that silly little example.

The second motto's a little more obscure.  It reads: “Festina Lente.” Translated from the Latin into our language, it means, simply:  Make Haste Slowly.

The complete definition of Festina Lente is "to do things the proper way instead of hurriedly and heedlessly; to see urgent things through in a thorough manner."

If I had a direct line….or any line…to Georgia’s Governor, I would surely send that one along to him.  Those two, or three little words, depending on your choice of language, have a lot of power.  You just have to stop and think about them.  I wish, I hope, I pray that he might heed the thought without my intervention.  

Alas, my silent pleas for the Governor to “Festina Lente” have fallen on deaf ears.  But it’s certainly not too late for Georgia to “Function in Disaster; Finish in Style.”  I’ll think I'll send that one to him.   Right this very second. There's no time left to "Festina Lente."




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