What’s In Your Pantry?

That strikes me as a slightly personal question but one that foodies seem happy, if not eager, to answer.  And apparently, the more obscure the items in their pantries, the happier they are to share.  Esoterica rules.

Last week, an Italian cook-book author was featured in the Saturday Wall Street Journal.  She freely told the world which staples she simply cannot live without.  Her absolute “must-haves.”  They include borlotti beans, chickpeas, farro, bulghur and freekah. 

Since I have absolutely no idea what some of those things are and even less of an idea why one would find them necessary, I determined that we could never be best buds.  Not that I was looking for a new friend but still.

But if she can spill the beans, so to speak, then so can I.  And it will come as no surprise to most that I depend heavily on Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup, Uncle Ben’s rice (quick-cook if you can find it), canned asparagus and lots of ketchup.  Also Cheezits and Diet Coke. And of course, a large box of Velveeta Cheese. 

My pantry feels paltry without those things.  Just today I cooked up a three-night supply of crock-potted Campbell’s soup, chicken breasts, rice and sherry.  Warm, satisfying, tasty. If that doesn’t do the trick, I don’t know what will.

Not that my pantry looks any different from year to year but I find it to be especially  comforting right now.  Many of those same items were on my parents’ shelves and they got us through some hard times.  I hope they’ll get us through this one just as well.


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