It's Just Wrong.
The top female pickleball player in the US is 16 years old. As the old saying goes: “There oughtta be a law.”
She shouldn’t be allowed to buy a pickleball racquet, let alone set foot on a court. She’s way too young.
Doesn’t she know that pickleball’s a sport for older folk who fiercely play the game, knowing that they’ll be in an orthopedist’s office sooner rather than later? Perhaps headed to surgery. Pickleball is an orthopedist’s dream. A clever writer recently posited that every time a new pickleball court is built, an orthopedist buys a new boat.
I didn’t have wait very long to understand this firsthand. The Mister came home after his second (beginner’s) lesson and mentioned, idly, that his Achilles tendon felt a bit “stretched.” Maybe even a tad sore.
And that was that.
One more pickleball racquet went to the second-hand store.
And one more wife was spared the (now legendary) unpleasantness of pickleball “fall”-out.