It's Spartina Time!

Are you ready???? 

Do you have your entry ticket to the Spartina Warehouse Sale?

Are your travel plans mapped out and is your parking spot staked out?

Is your protective gear in order?  Your helmet, your metatarsal shoes, your shin guards?

You’ll need all the above and more to survive.  Remember that 6,000 equally bargain-crazed women are after the same stuff you are.

The annual Spartina Warehouse Sale is a strategic mission.  It’s not for newbies or innocents who may have just recently caught wind of it.  This is The Big Time.

I shopped at Filene’s Basement in Boston many years ago.   To me, Filene’s was the epitome of the rough and tumble world of wild-women-seeking-bargains, but it’s child’s play compared to the Spartina sale.  Or so I’ve heard.   

Oh wait!  You’ve never heard of Spartina?  Well, you must not be from around here.  Pardon my assumption.

In short, Spartina put Lily Pulitzer and Vera Bradley into a Waring blender.  They added some tabasco sauce and a healthy splash of vodka. And Voila!  A much-needed update to popular but slightly aging looks.  They’re brilliant marketers and designers of handbags and women’s apparel.

They also graciously donate the proceeds from the Warehouse ticket sales to local charities.  Last year, they raised and donated $30,000.  And for that, we applaud them.  The Big Sale is not my cup of tea but many, many have a grand time and get great stuff at great prices.  So, carry on, Spartina.  I’m with you in spirit, but my body is staying home where it belongs.


It's Just Wrong.


The Kingston Trio.