Priority Mail

 Gotta love Amazon Prime.  When it works, it’s wonderful.  Reliable, fast, next-day delivery.Not always the case where we live, however.Our main thoroughfare (all two lanes of it) is frequently blocked.  No one can get in. Or, in our case, out.   And it’s blocked for the most delightful of reasons.Our town has street fairs for just about every occasion you can imagine.  Orange no-parking cones go up, tents arrive, food is cooked and people throng.We celebrate all the normal holidays:  Easter, Christmas, Veterans Day.  Parades fill the streets.  People come from all over to join in.Those parades are just the beginning.  We also have Farmer’s Markets, Book Fairs, Art shows, Craft shows, Seafood festivals, BBQ cook-offs, Art and Wine strolls, Boiled Peanut festivals, pop-up fundraisers.  The list goes on.  No cars, golf carts, trucks or vans allowed during any of those things.  Only people on foot.  And dogs, of course.So, sometimes we don’t always get our next-day delivery.  Or any delivery for that matter.I actually find it quite charming that our little town successfully foils Amazon and the United States Postal Service.We show them a thing or two about priorities.   Photo thanks to Jeramey Lende/


Coulda Shoulda Woulda ?


Once a mouse; always a mouse?