Coulda Shoulda Woulda ?
I should have written a check.I would have written a check.I could have written a check but I pay on-line.It’s so much easier to do it that way. Just a couple of clicks and it’s done. Think of the paper I save. No long lines at the post office to buy increasingly expensive stamps. No trips to Staples to buy envelopes or order checks.It’s all just great until the on-line people decide it’s time to verify I’m who I say I am.Shouldn’t they warn me I’m about to be subjected to the dreaded “challenge questions?”They, those inaccessible and inscrutable people, already know the answers to those questions and if my answers don’t match theirs, there will be a shut-down and I will be denied access to my hard-earned money.I’m a good person, albeit not technically inclined. I’m also not inclined to remember obscure answers when they were just that to begin with.Happily, I still have lots of stamps, boxes of envelopes, years’ worth of blank checks and I quite love my writing instruments.Am I to be ecologically incorrect or suffer at the hands of impersonal machinery?What an absurd riddle. Image thanks to