Ah, yes, I remember them well from our years in Ohio. We knew what to do and how to do it. We stocked up on soup, bread, peanut butter and wine. We laid fires in the fireplaces and grabbed a good book or two from the library. We were prepped and ready to ride it out in grace and style. Snuggled safely inside, of course.
Well, we live in the South now and snow days don’t happen here. Until this week. And even then, Mother Nature got it backwards.
The dire warnings of a real snowstorm began last weekend and grocery runs were made in readiness. As the snow event grew imminent, the forecast grew worser and worser. Up to a foot!!! they said. Right here in South Carolina!!! We were all atwitter.
However, before giving us a beautiful snowfall, Mother Nature laid down a couple of inches of sleet and ice prior to the snow. We could hear the rat-a-tat-tat of “hard rain” aka, sleet, pounding our roof all night long.
The next morning was indeed a snow-wonderland. To look at. But, oh, the troubles and woes that lay beneath! The layers of ice! The treacherous travel! The South Carolina sun nicely melted some snow during the day only to have freezing temps turn it into even more ice during the night.
The reality is that it has now been four days and very few of us have been stupid enough to go out. Especially those of us who worry about falling.
This mess will eventually melt and life as we knew it will resume. The grass will peek up from its unwanted attack. The flowers will bloom and Mother Nature will restore order. But maybe, just maybe, She could put a bug in someone’s ear that we invest in a salt truck or two. Just in case, of course. Apparently, one just never knows what what might be coming our way.